

“I guess none of us can expect servants to speak up for themselves in front of the public. I dare say that hardly any one of them knows that the issue of their freedom has been very strongly highlighted; and which one of them is able to write anything to defend himself and his brothers? Therefore, the rights of so defenceless people must be promoted twice as carefully; otherwise it will be unavoidable that people rather go where the fence is lowest.” (Anders Chydenius, 1778)


“They certainly are people and thus similar to us by nature; in birth they have received a reasonable soul and a free will to live in the world – that is why they also must be treated as people.” (Anders Chydenius, 1778)


“If they (workers) had had the luck to be born as children of the gentry, merchants and farm owners, the law would protect them. But as this is not the case, their faith is unavoidable, and neither the Constitution nor the assurances of the Swedish king can secure their freedom.” (Anders Chydenius, 1778)


As an advocate of the rights of the common people, Anders Chydenius was also in charge of serving as a witness in legal proceedings. In spring 1786 at a beheading in Kruunupyy, where three murderers had been executed and their remains were to be put on display as a warning, Chydenius said the following: “The king’s governor has obligated me to speak some words of warning to you who today have seen this horrible spectacle. (…)Their hands and heads are stuck on poles, their bodies are tied to breaking wheels and remain prey for birds, and ravens will peck their eyes. A horrific scene for those who pass by this beheading venue!” (Anders Chydenius, 1786)