Just before Midsummer, on 22 June 1930, an air show ordered by the Perho White Guard was arranged near Lake Jylhänjärvi, in the village of Möttönen of Perho. The idea was to provide flights for the public after the show. The light aircraft Kurki came from Vaasa. It was piloted by an instructor with the military rank of lieutenant from the Kauhava flight school. At the beginning of the show, the pilot delighted the audience with his skilled aerial manoeuvres. During the second show, however, the plane started to splutter and stalled as it flew above the public. The pilot tried to steer the plane towards the lake, but the floats hit the roof of a drying barn and the plane crashed into the people who were standing on the shore. Two women died immediately and nine other people were injured. (Itsenäisyyden heijastumia – tuhat tarinaa Keski-Pohjanmaalta)
The stories about the accident tell how terrified people on the shore were and that the pilot had to escape from the site since some men threatened to kill him. There was chaos and panic on the shore. The crash is said to have thrown one of the injured people into the lake, where this person nearly drowned. (HK 1982)
The official explanation of why the engine of Kurki stalled was that its fuel hose had got blocked. The partly broken airplane was later disassembled on the crash site and finally brought to Helsinki for repair. It remained in use until 1950. In 1954 it was burned in the bonfire of a Midsummer festival. The pilot, who had later been promoted to captain, lost his life in air combat in 1940 when his plane crashed on the ice of Lake Ladoga. (Itsenäisyyden heijastumia – tuhat tarinaa Keski-Pohjanmaalta & HK 1982)