Welcome to Anders Road



The cultural heritage route known as Tuohi-Antin maantie, literally “Birch-bark Anders’ road” starts from Perho. Vicar Anders Chydenius, nicknamed Birch-bark Anders, played a significant role in initiating the planning and construction of the road in the 1790s.


On this road from Perho to Veteli, you can visit historical destinations with very different time perspectives. The road probably made travelling easier at least for the residents of the tenant farm Lampuoti, the troops of Major von Fieandt, Finland’s national poet J. L. Runeberg, the theologian A.W. Ingman, the kantele player Kreeta Haapasalo and the school administrator Alfred Salmela – irrespective of whether they travelled on foot, by horse or by car in the 1900s.


In summer 1930, an aerobatic pilot may have been following this road with his biplane when flying from Vaasa to Perho – towards a disastrous public event.


At the time of the early Comb Ceramic culture, the road ran on the bottom of an ancient sea – without the ancient dwellers of Hautaketo knowing anything about it.


Welcome to Anders Road!


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Main road 13 is about 500 kilometres long, ranging from Kokkola on Finland’s west coast to Nuijamaa at the eastern border. Here we call the section of road from Veteli to Perho “Anders Road”. Tuohi-Antti – literally “Birch-bark Anders” – is the nickname people gave to the influential Central Ostrobothnian vicar, Anders Chydenius (1729–1803), because he had written his master’s thesis on North American Indians’ canoes. Later, in his role as vicar, he even encouraged the peasants of Alaveteli to use these canoes on the Perhonjoki river. The people in Central Ostrobothnia were used to wooden boats and were mainly amused by the vicar’s attempts. His road initiative, however, generated interest and respect in all of the local people, irrespective of estate.


Prior to the 1700s, there had been a rough cart road from Kokkola to Veteli. From here, the road to Perho and further east continued as a sort of a horse path. Anders Chydenius and the burghers of Kokkola considered it economically important to improve road connections eastward from the coast because it would facilitate the transport of tar, timber, corn, butter and slaughtered animals.


At the time, topics of public discussion included both road maintenance and the clearing of the Perhonjoki river. Chydenius supported road maintenance rather than developing the waterway. He thought that it would have been too expensive to make the rocky river, with its sections of low water, navigable. Thanks to Chydenius’ influence, the road from Veteli via Perho to Lintulahti (in Kyyjärvi), nearly four metres wide, was finished in 1796. The road between Kokkola and Veteli had already been repaired in the early 1780s. In addition to the bourgeoisie, ordinary travellers appreciated road building and repair, particularly if they were used to difficult inland terrains. The troops of Sweden-Finland and Russia also marched along the repaired Anders Road in the Finnish War (1808–1809).


Samuli Paulaharju (1930, 112), in his book Suomenselän vieriltä, describes Chydenius’ participation in the laborious road project as follows:


 “Decade after decade, people living in the wilderness had to travel on paths or row along long waterways. But we finally received real human roads here, and a road was built through Veteli even as far as Perho. The husky man from Kokkola, the big and famous Vicar Antti Chydenius, climbed on his horse and left to mark the road alignment from Kokkola to Lintulahti. In every village, local men helped and guided him as he travelled along the Perhonjoki river, exploring the terrain, cutting marks on trees and stating that this is the terrain where the road must be built. When encountering a rough bog, the horse was left on the shore and the saddle was carried over the bog, leaving the rotund vicar to somehow help himself to the other side, where another horse was waiting.”


Actors and sources


Manuscript: Kari Ilmonen (translation by Sirpa Vehviläinen, University of Jyväskylä Language Services)


Photos: Kari Ilmonen, Wirkkala artist path, Salmelan suku http://salmelankartano.fi and https://fi.wikisource.org/wiki/Kuolemantuomioista_ja_niitten_t%C3%A4yt%C3%A4nt%C3%B6%C3%B6npanosta_Suomessa_ennen_vuotta_1826


Graphic layout: Creamedia


Team: Kari Ilmonen, Lahja Varila, Outi Leväniemi, Juha Saari, Arto Marjala, Tuomo Härmänmaa, Veli-Matti Tornikoksi and Matias Meriläinen



Alaspää, Anna-Leena: Alfred Salmelan tie: kiertokoulupojasta kansakoululaitoksemme johtajaksi. Teoksessa Vanhaa Räyrinkiä. Räyrinki-seura. Alajärvi 1994. S. 439–443.


Alfred Salmela https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Salmela


Alfred Salmela, koululaitoksen johtaja / Salmelan suku http://salmelankartano.fi/?page_id=586


Anders Chydenius Kootut teokset. Jyväskylän yliopisto – Kokkolan yliopistokeskus Chydenius. http://anders.chydenius.fi/


Chydenius, Anders: Muistio jokien perkauksesta (1794). Suomennos Heikki Eskelinen. Teoksessa Anders Chydenius Kootut teokset osa 3. Toim. Maren Jonasson ja Pertti Hyttinen. Edita. Porvoo 2015. S. 376–379.


Haapasalo, Kreeta (1813–1893) https://kansallisbiografia.fi/kansallisbiografia/henkilo/4454


Harju, Antti: Esko Tiaisen historiaa. Perholainen Joulu 2018. S. 24.


Hauta Perhossa. Teoksessa Tokko Perhua tunnet? Perhon kotiseutuyhdistyksen lukemisto I. Perho 1999. S. 24–31.


HK: Lentokatastrofi Perhossa Jylhän järvellä. Perhonjokilaakso 10.6.1982. S. 6.


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Kettumäki, Antti: Kurki-kone syöksyi yleisön sekaan 1930 – "Se oli valtakunnan ykkösuutinen, niin kuin olisi tänäänkin". Yle Uutiset 18.12.2016. https://yle.fi/uutiset/3-9291202


Kreeta Haapasalo https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kreeta_Haapasalo


Kreeta Haapasalo soittaa kannelta talonpoikaistuvassa (Robert Wilhelm Ekmanin öljyvärimaalaus vuodelta 1868) https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kreeta_Haapasalo_soittaa_kannelta_talonpoikaistuvassa


Kokkonevan taistelu. https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kokkonevan_taistelu


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Laitinen, Heikki: Torpparinvaimo Greeta Haapasalon matkat kautta koko Suomen suuriruhtinaskunnan ja aina Pietariin ja Tukholmaan saakka. Teoksessa Kreeta Haapasalo – ikoni ja ihminen. Toim. Ilkka Kolehmainen ja Vesa Tapio Valo. Kansanmusiikki-instituutin julkaisuja 31. Kaustinen 1990. S. 4–65.


Lampuotin talo. Museovirasto. Kulttuuriympäristön palveluikkuna. www.kyppi.fi/to.aspx?id=130.201378


Leväniemi, Outi: Kokkonevan taistelu 11.7.1808. Teoksessa Tokko Perhua tunnet? Perhon kotiseutuyhdistyksen lukemisto I. Perho 1999. S. 42–46.


Lilius, Lilli: Kreeta Haapasalon elämänkerta (muistiin merkinnyt Lilli Lilius). Teoksessa Kreeta Haapasalo – ikoni ja ihminen. Toim. Ilkka Kolehmainen ja Vesa Tapio Valo. Kansanmusiikki-instituutin julkaisuja 31. Kaustinen 1990. S. 66–87.


Lindholm, Pekka: Suomen sodassa vuonna 1808. Lähde? S. 42–43.


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1. Lampuoti house

2. A grave in Perho

3. Perho local heritage museum

4. Kokkoneva battle

5. Statue for Kreeta Haapasalo

6. Alfred Salmela’s house

7. Burned soldier croft

8. Hautaketo Stone Age dwelling site






    Perhon ruokala

    Haanentie 26 Perho



    Lounas-kahvila KiVi

    Jyväskyläntie 4 Perho



    Perhon kesähotelli

    Haanentie 20 Perho




    Salamajärventie 269 Perho




    69980 Möttönen


    Syrjäjärven lomamökit

    Salmelantie 140 Möttönen


    Villa Perho

    Kiveläntie 191 Perho



    Perhon Eräelämykset - Experiences in wilderness

    Penningintie 454 Perho



    Salamajärven luonto ja majoitus, LUMA

    Aholantie 75 Perho


    Vetelin majoituspalvelut



    Vetelin ravitsemuspalvelut
